Friday, April 10, 2015

Making a Prime Rib Dinner

Prime Rib Dinner! 
 Everybody loves prime rib during the holidays, so here is a step by step breakdown on how to make a great prime rib. We started with a 7 rib roast about 16 # to feed 10 people. Yum!
1.     Preheat oven to 325 degrees. (Move racks in oven to create enough room for everything you need to make. In our case, we left room for baked potatoes and put the roast on the bottom rack with another rack on the second from top)
2.    Make a Mirepoix (a mixture of carrots, celery, and onion)
a.     We used 1 medium sized yellow onion, 2 stalks of celery, and 6 skinny carrots. (but you just need enough to cover the bottom of pan)
b.    Clean, peel and slice off the tops/bottoms of vegetables.
c.     Slice celery and carrots in a diagonal, creating ~ 1/2" strips.   

d.     Slice onion in half, and then slice to create ½ inch strips. 
e.     Mix celery, onion and carrots together in the bottom of the pan and evenly distribute to cover bottom of pan. 
  1. Unwrap prime rib (we used a 7 rib or 16# prime rib) and place rib side up on top of mirepoix.
Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Mom:Downloads:Prime rib:20150117_145843.jpg
  1. Sprinkle salt, garlic salt, and seasoning salt liberally across top. Use cupped hand to rub the seasonings into the sides.
     Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Mom:Downloads:Prime rib:20150117_150054.jpg         Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Mom:Downloads:Prime rib:20150117_150034.jpg
  2. Flip Prime rib over (fat side up) and repeat the process above. Sprinkle pepper on top of everything and rub extra salt into the fat.
  3. Prime rib should have a nice crust of seasoning on both sides.Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Mom:Downloads:Prime rib:20150117_150236.jpg           Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Mom:Downloads:Prime rib:20150117_150230.jpg
  4. Add ~¼ inch of water into the bottom of the pan.  (This will allow for the steaming of the vegetables and help prime rib cook evenly) Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Mom:Downloads:Prime rib:20150117_150317.jpg       Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Mom:Downloads:Prime rib:20150117_150334.jpg
  5. Put Prime rib into oven and leave for 2 hours.
    Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Mom:Downloads:Prime rib:20150117_150349.jpg
    [at 1 hour mark, put the baked potatoes in with the prime rib]
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  1. At 2 hours, pull out prime rib and check temperature. Put on table and insert either metal skewer or meat thermometer in the center of rib. If using meat thermometer, insert all the way until you reach bottom, then pull out till center of meat. Wait for temperature to equilibrate and read (it should be ~ 80 degrees). If using meat skewer, insert skewer in the center of the roast and to bottom of roast, place finger where top of roast is. Pull skewer out and place the center against lip, skewer should feel slightly cool.
    Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Mom:Downloads:Photos (1):20150117_165742.jpg         Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Mom:Downloads:Photos (1):20150117_165735.jpg
  2. Put roast back into oven and leave for another hour. Repeat process above. Remove roast when temperature reaches ~104 degrees or metal skewer is warm to lip.  If not at ideal temperature, re-check in ½ hour.
    [in this case, 1 hour yielded a raise in 13 degrees, so in ½ hour temperature should be perfect]
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  3. Immediately after removing roast, loosely cover with foil and place to side. (This will continue to cook the roast from the remaining heat in the bones & cause the blood to be absorbed back into the roast). Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Mom:Downloads:Photos (2):20150117_180219.jpg    Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Mom:Downloads:Photos (2):20150117_180240.jpg
  4. Let rest for 10 minutes for medium-rare, 5 minutes for rare, 15 minutes for medium well.
    1. To slice the prime rib, start by first taking a head count. Cut the strings off of the prime rib and move out of the way. Cut the prime rib in half and then slice each of the halves in the appropriate number of pieces. By cutting it in half, it is easier to eyeball the number of pieces you need so everyone gets an even size piece.
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  5. Enjoy!
    Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Mom:Downloads:Photos (2):20150117_182942.jpg

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